Monday, June 23, 2008

Dear Jenny,
I just read your story…how inspiring! Thank you! How would you recommend people obtain fresh, organic fruit that is ripe since everything available seems to be picked green? I know some things will continue to ripen after you buy them, however, tree ripening is obviously the healthiest.Thanks for your insights.L.E.
Dear L.E,
To find ripe produce, I shop around...farmer's mkt...You could do mail order, if you can afford it. I smell it! Usually what's in season smells good and makes my mouth water and is great for eating. Also, I do a taste test. If it makes my taste buds stand up and say "Howdy!" it is a winner. Then there is the squeeeeeze...

I just do the best I can and pray over the rest. I just had some cherries…YUM! It IS tough to find ripe, yummy produce. Doesn't it make you wanna move to where stuff GROWS and grow it yourself? I've talked to rawbies in those places and THEY are surrounded by pesticides. I like my clean air and my clean water too! I just do the best I can and pray over the rest.

Wishing you the best...
Jen Jen