"Cancer, Cause and Cure"
by Jenny Silliman
Cancer can't grow in the presence of oxygen. Cancer also does not grow in an alkaline environment. Cancer grows in an acidic environment and it grows in the presence of fermentation which is anerobic, which meanswithout oxygen.
The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), with lots of meat, sugar, wheat and dairy, and cooked and processed foods, is acid-forming. Cooked food contains almost no oxygen. Coffee and soda are especially acid-forming and so are baked goods. Baked goods, (grains and sugar) create fermentation (actually alcohol!) in the body and this is perfect for cancer to grow. Raw fruits and raw vegetables, especially dark green leafys (and the king is wheatgrass!), are alkaline-forming in our system and they also have a high oxygen content that is easily assimilated into the cells of our body.
Raw produce in abundance in our diet is our best line of defense in the prevention and cure of cancer. (and eliminating sugar, wheat and dairy from the diet--except maybe someone might include raw dairy products. For more on dairy read Health Seeker E-Newsletter "Milk is ForBabies.")
In addition, to prevent (or cure) cancer we need to do all we can to live a healthy life which means fresh air, (oxygen!) plenty of good water(which contains oxygen also), sunshine and placing a big priority on exercise, exercise, exercise. Exercise is another avenue to circulate oxygen into the bloodstream. Remember cancer can't grow in the presence of oxygen! Aerobic exercise and muscle building or strength training (I joined Curves!) for at least a half an hour 3 times a week isrecommended. This is only an hour and a half a week--surely we can find that much time in our busy schedules for the sake of our health and to prevent cancer.
For more on the subject of "Cancer, Cause and Cure" read
"Eat to Live" byDr. Joel Fuhrman
"Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore"by Lorraine Day, M.D. P.O. Box 8, Thousand Palms, CA 92276 1-800-574-2437. You can see the cancerous tumor on Dr. Day's chest on her website. She is now cancer free and alive and well and over 60 years oldand happily spreading the news about raw vegan food, exercise and ahealthy lifestyle for the cure and prevention of cancer.
Also read AnnWigmore's books or "How I Conquered Cancer Naturally" by Eydie MaeHunsberger, one of Ann's followers.
Or contactElizabeth Baker, age 91 and raw food advocate, that healed from 4 different illnesses including cancer
I have known many people to recover from cancer by adopting an all rawproduce diet OR a high raw program like Eat to Live
or the Hallelujah Diet
IF they eliminated all sweets except fresh fruit (no dried fruit or honey etc.) and they eliminated meat, wheat and dairy. In other words, they became vegan vegetarian and either 80-90% raw or 100% raw and had no acid-forming sweets, meat or wheat.
If you begin such an eating program plan to detox (feels like the flu) for a few days each week or each month in diminishing cycles. The body will clean house and you will feel worse at first, but hang in there because then you will have a break through in healing. This is also called "a healing crisis."
For six months now I've been juicing wheatgrass and vegetables in a SoloStar juicer. (For more info: or call (801)375-2250. Give them my name, Jenny Silliman, and get a special reduced price of $199.95 when it normally sells for $239.95 on the website. Also can get a discount on books on wheatgrass. The best one is "Wheatgrass,Nature's Finest Medicine" by Meyerowitz and also excellent are Ann Wigmore's books.)
When I broke my arm in January I had to have surgery and when the nurse tested my blood she said in astonishment, "WOW! Your blood is 99% oxygenated. I've never seen it this high!" RAW RAW RAW!
It is estimated that in the year 2020 approximately 80% of all Americans will have cancer. Right now it is the second highest cause of death in children ages newborn to 13. Health is not an accident, it is an achievement--a very worthwhile achievement. You can't get it out of bottles of medicine or bottles of expensive vitamins. You can't buy back your health when it fails, but you can become a health seeker and learn how to nourish the temple body that God has entrusted into your care. You can change and live a healthier lifestyle. You can find time, MAKE time, o exercise each day. You can rebuild a healthy body with a strong immune system that is resistant to disease, illness and fatigue.
God has prescribed raw, living, enzyme charged food from the good of the land--fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds. In the very beginning God said, "I give you every fruit bearing seed and green leaves (herbs) and they shall be for your food." Nothing compares to the way I feel on an all raw vegan diet with daily exercise. As God said, "It is very good."
Love in Jesus,
Jenny, your health seeker friend
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P.S. If I had cancer or any serious disease and couldn't conquer it on my ownI would pray about attending a healing center...7 HEALING CENTERS
1. Dr. Ann Wigmore's Hippocrates Health InstituteFlorida: The Hippocrates Health Institute has been the premiere leader inthe field of natural and alternative health care and education since1956. It is famous for its healing work using wheatgrass and for changinglifestyles. Ann Wigmore's story Here's a site of an ongoing e-diary by Jody Mardesich at Ann Wigmore'sInstitute in Puerto Rico:
2. Creative Health Institute... Living Foods Store Articles and Flyers Subscribe to Newsletter. theDr. Ann Wigmore Hippocrates Institute of the Midwest teaching Wellnessthat Works since 1976. ... May 27, 2004
3. Tanglewood Wellness CenterLoren Lockman or Dr. Timothy Trader 1-301-898-8901. Email:
4. Gerson, "Gerson Therapy" Dear Jenny, My husband was cured from embrynal cell carcinoma (testicular cancerspread into his lymph nodes) eight years ago. He refused chemotherapy(which is the only cure/solution for this type of cancer - in thetraditional medical world, not taking chemo was a sure death sentence). Our good Lord directed us to an intense nutritional therapy called theGerson therapy which he did for three years (two years after declared inremission by our oncologist). His story "Recovery of Rex Clement FromTesticular Cancer" was published the Gerson newsletter several years ago, the Gerson Healing Newsletter, May-June, 1997.
5. The Weimar Institute www.weimar >Jenny, Are you familiar with the Weimar institute's NEWSTART program?It is a >guide to healthy lifestyle and goes right along with what you have shared. The Weimar institute is in Weimar, CA (near Grass Valley area) It is aChristian facility begun by Raymond and Dorothy Moore as a venue forChristian service. [7th day Adventist ] It has a garden and orchard andgrounds, you can come for classes on health, exercise or cooking or stayand they will help you practice a healthy lifestyle that includes a rightrelationship with God, eating well, getting exercise, working outside, getting fresh air and sunshine. They have nutritionist, herbalists, andMDs on staff. Their website address is . You cancontact them at Weimar Institute, PO Box 486, Weimar, CA 95736, (530)637-4111, (800) 525-9192, E-mail: . You can order a catalog at , 1-877-WeiMart (934-6278)
Dear Jenny, I shared your newsletter with my mother-in-law and she said it was a similar program that helped her lose over 100 lbs before I met her. She had been told by several doctors that her numerous health problems could not be controlled and she was going to die in her 50s. Fortunately a Seventh Day Adventist doctor with the Weimar Institute (if you aren't familiar with them check them out, you would love them, very much like your program) told her that if she was willing to make a lot of radical changes in her life she would live. So she started eating raw (eventually moved to vegetarian after getting her weight down and health under control) and exercising, drinking water, getting fresh air and sunshine, and she is still going strong at age 76. She has a wonderful story, she's the best one to share with you, as it was before I came along. She got to be so good at it she helped with some classes and gave inspiriational talks at Weimar and some Seventh Day Adventist churches. Well I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you and what a blessing your encouragement in this area has been. God keeps hitting me over the head with things telling me I need to lose weight and more importantly put food in its proper perspective in my life, right now it is my friend and consolation (God wants to be the ONE) When I am ready to change you have given me the tools. Love in Christ, -----
Hi Jenny, I just read about Raymond & Dorothy Moore founding Weimar as a venue forservice for Christian college students in one of their books. They doseminars all over and have a wonderful holistic perspective, we are morethan just body parts. They have MDs, nutritionists, herbalists andfitness trainers. They focus on your spiritual, mental and physicalhealth. They have live in seminars on campus where everyone works in the gardens/orchards, exercises in the lovely foothill setting, drinks lots of pure well water, spends time with the Lord, etc and learns how to takethis lifestyle home. Love ----
6. Raw World Retreats wrote: "I'm due for a vacation and considering really reallytreating myself, my non veggie hubby even supports this! I would like tohear from anyone who has gone. It just sounds glorious. Just think ofit; an incredible vacation in an incredible place and no food worries. Wow."
7. Optimum Health Institute located in beautiful Lemon Grove (near SanDiego) CA is another healing center (not Christian but not new agey either)
Saturday, April 30, 2005
"Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Dr. Fuhrman is a Natural Hygiene Health Science board member and regular contributor of articles to their excellent magazine called Health Science. He provides online support to those who wish to heal from sickness or disease, such as cancer, or would like to lose excess weight.
This excerpt from his book,"Eat to Live" (80% raw eating program) is entitled: "Cancer is a Fruit and Vegetable Deficiency Disease"
"Not surprisingly, fruits and vegetables are the two foods with the best correlation with longevity in humans. Not whole-wheat bread, not bran,not even a vegetarian diet shows as powerful a correlation as a high level of fresh fruit and raw green salad consumption.
The National Cancer Institute recently reported on 337 different studies that all showed the same basic information:
1. Vegetables and fruits protect against all types of cancers if consumed in large enough quantities. Hundreds of scientific studies document this. The most prevalent cancers in our country are mostly plant-food-deficiency diseases.
2. Raw vegetables have the most powerful anti-cancer properties of all foods.
3. Studies on the cancer-reducing effects of vitamin pills containing various nutrients (such as folate, vitamin C and E) get mixed reviews; sometimes they show a slight benefit, but most show no benefit. Occasionally studies show that taking isolated nutrients is harmful, as was discussed earlier regarding beta-carotene...
Though Americans would prefer to take a pill so they could continue eating what they are accustomed to, it won't give you the protection youare looking for. You can close the cover of this book and put it away right now as long as you can incorporate this crucial dietary change into your life: consume high levels of fruits and green vegetables..."
Dr. Fuhrman is a Natural Hygiene Health Science board member and regular contributor of articles to their excellent magazine called Health Science. He provides online support to those who wish to heal from sickness or disease, such as cancer, or would like to lose excess weight.
This excerpt from his book,"Eat to Live" (80% raw eating program) is entitled: "Cancer is a Fruit and Vegetable Deficiency Disease"
"Not surprisingly, fruits and vegetables are the two foods with the best correlation with longevity in humans. Not whole-wheat bread, not bran,not even a vegetarian diet shows as powerful a correlation as a high level of fresh fruit and raw green salad consumption.
The National Cancer Institute recently reported on 337 different studies that all showed the same basic information:
1. Vegetables and fruits protect against all types of cancers if consumed in large enough quantities. Hundreds of scientific studies document this. The most prevalent cancers in our country are mostly plant-food-deficiency diseases.
2. Raw vegetables have the most powerful anti-cancer properties of all foods.
3. Studies on the cancer-reducing effects of vitamin pills containing various nutrients (such as folate, vitamin C and E) get mixed reviews; sometimes they show a slight benefit, but most show no benefit. Occasionally studies show that taking isolated nutrients is harmful, as was discussed earlier regarding beta-carotene...
Though Americans would prefer to take a pill so they could continue eating what they are accustomed to, it won't give you the protection youare looking for. You can close the cover of this book and put it away right now as long as you can incorporate this crucial dietary change into your life: consume high levels of fruits and green vegetables..."
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